Author instructions

Lille – France | 3rd to 5th November

Please submit your paper via ConfTool by clicking on the button.

Copyright Transfer Agreement Term and Licensing Policy

All authors are required to accept the Copyright Transfer Agreement Term and Licensing Policy upon the submission of the final paper version.


Conditions and Licensing Policy

  1. The author(s) affirm that the article has not been published elsewhere and will not be published elsewhere prior to SASBE.
  2. The author(s) grant SASBE a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, sublicensable, and transferable license to:
    • Publish the paper in unmodified form.
    • Present the paper online (e.g., video recordings).
    • Include the paper in printed and electronic proceedings, on the World Wide Web, and in future compilations of papers.

    This ‘non-exclusive’ license means that the authors are not restricted in the future use of the material, but exclusive rights may not be granted to others.

  3. The authors affirm they have the right to grant the license specified in (2), ensuring there is no conflict with copyright or other restrictions.
  4. Authors acknowledge that acceptance of the article does not imply SASBE’s endorsement of the ideas presented. In no event shall SASBE be liable for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.
  5. The authors acknowledge that publication in the SASBE conference proceedings depends on registration and presentation of the paper at the SASBE conference by at least one of the authors.
  6. Authors retain the right to self-archive the final/published version of their papers in institutional archives. Refusal of the above conditions and licensing policy will result in the submitted work not being processed for publication.